This Holiday season, God wants to reveal
treasures hidden in YOU
beyond your imagination!
   A blessing is coming your way. A hidden treasure. Favor Breakthrough Overflow.
   There is something in you, it will deliver you. but you’ll likely have to go through a dark place.
   I know it sounds a bit crazy but stick with me but give thanks and stick with me. This is going to get good.
   You may say, “Pastor, I’m in a dark place now. I can’t see it from where I am.”
   The thing about hidden treasure is …well…it’s hidden until God is ready to reveal it to you. 
   Let me try and illustrate this for you [and share a story about one of my failures in life].
   There was a man named Saul. He was among the uppity folks, a rabbi, educated Pharisee, at the top of the highest religious order in all Israel. He had the same name as Israel’s first king? He thought he was serving God, but he totally missed God on earth. Jesus had to come to save the wrold, but Saul didn’t believe. In fact, He saw those who followed Jesus as a threat, so he pursued them and persecuted them. 
   One day Saul was on his way to Damascus to arrest some more Christians . He didn’t know he was about to enter his period of darkness.
   Just like that, God appeared in a bright light-God IS the light-and ushered Saul into darkness. Literally, He was blinded.
   Jesus asked Saul why he was persecuting Him. He told Saul his life was about to change. He told Saul his real treasures were about to be revealed. Saul got a glimpse of glory! But Saul had to be patient before he could experience the fullness of God’s revelation. He had to trust [have faith in] God.
   Saul’s friends had to lead him by the hand into Damascus. There he met with a faithful servant of Jesus who God gave the power to restore Saul’s eyesight. Saul had left his days of darkness.
   Did you see how that worked? God used Saul’s season of darkness to reveal HIs best for Paul,Saul the Christian killer, became Paul the Apostle who produced great teachings in the Bible about Jesus.
   Like Paul, God has a plan and a destiny for YOU too!
   Life is hard and there will always be troubles-but in Jesus there is always joy. Whether you are in a time of greatness fo darkness, God is with you there. And He will be there on the other side of this season! With arms opened wide! Smiling at YOU! Welcoming you into HIs best. It’s a promise Jesus tells us Himself “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcoem they world.” [John 16:33] NLT.
   God uses our times of trouble and darkness to prepare us. We can’t do it on our own. We must seek HIs plan for our lives. HIs plans are always so much more than we could imagine! But we have to trust Him, find our joy in HIm, and believe His promises are for our good. So don’t wait to praise Him. He wants you to praise Him like it’s already done!
   I had to learn too. When i was young, I started a catering business. I didn’t know a whole lot about catering but I was young and determined. I would figure it out. I wasn’t seeking God, i was doing it on my own. I was getting off a job and with very limited funds, buying food and  trying to help cook setup, serve and take down afterwards.
   You can probably guess by now where this was going. Yes sir or mame it soon went south. It was a dark place. I had failed. I was hurting. I was ashamed. Now eventhough it may have succeeded I wasn’t in God’s will.   
   Probably with the success I would be a preacher working for Brice Catering Co. in Jackson, Tn. And ther would be no Kingdom Builders Christian Center Church of Pinson,  the church like none other!
   Can you see what God did there? He had to guide me through a very dark time in order to bring me to the place of fullness of His destiny for me. There have been other dark times in my life, but each has served a purpose.
   God wants to reveal the hidden treasure in you-the fullness of HIs destiny for your life. He has a plan for you. Praise Him in the darkness. Trust Him, Worship Him, Give thanks and give HIm the chance to reveal HIs treasures hidden in YOU! He is ready to shine His light on YOU!
   Thank you so much for your prayers, friendship, partnership and support. it is my prayer that you and your loved ones will experience your best this Holiday season ever and blessed New Yeaer!