Prayer Isn’t All About You

“You do not have because you do not ask. You ask, and you do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.” – James: 4:2b-3


Why is it that we simply miss out on this incredible power source? Is it because we don’t take time to pray?

Not necessarily:

  1. We feel we’re too busy. Period.
  2. There are a lot of people that are so self-reliant that if they begin to pray, it becomes an acknowledgment that they need help outside of themselves. You almost feel like prayer is a cop-out, rather than strength from God to enhance what you do.
  3. There are bound to be people that just don’t really believe in the power of prayer. You’ve asked, and it hasn’t been given to you. And because of the disappointment of your prayer life, you’ve decided to give up on it. Did you know that part of why prayer is powerless is we simply don’t pray?
  4. We give up on prayer because we have the wrong motives. We see prayer as calling on God, this genie in the sky. If we can just get His attention, He’ll give us exactly what we want. But God’s Word is very clear. That’s a big reason that our prayer life can become powerless because we’re focused on what we want usually in regard to material needs. And in the process, we can find prayer very disappointing.

All of you grandparents know what it’s like to take a young child into a store – especially a toy store. That child sets their eyes on something that they want and you feel like it’s best for them not to have it. And all of a sudden you’ve got a meltdown on your hands. You know everybody is looking at you and you grin sheepishly. “Gimme this!”  “I want that!”  “I HAVE to have it!” And sometimes, all of a sudden, something seizes your heart and we weak grandparents end up giving it to them! I don’t know what happens to all of my parenting skills and self-discipline, but it’s like they just go out the window.

What does this have to do with prayer? Well, God is not a grandfather. He’s a Father. And as a loving Father, He knows what is best for His children. Grandfathers often lose their minds and forget what is best, but a good father seeks to be conscious of what is best for his children. And that’s how God is with us. When we’re asking with a selfish motive in prayer, we can be very disappointed in our prayer life. You see, more times than not, our prayers are “all about me,” rather than trying to understand how God wants us to pray.



Hello, I hope you’re doing well. 

For many years, I’ve been deeply concerned with the images of black people that come out of Hollywood.  Rarely are we presented as the empowered, intelligent creatures that we are.  Instead, we are the ignorant sidekicks of those who are true captains of their own destiny. 

So, rather than complaining about it, we’re doing something about it.  We can also use your help.  

We’ve created, a black-owned daily financial news and commentary platform that gives financial discussion from a black perspective. and I update it with content nearly every single day of the week. 

We also have Boyce Watkins Films, a production company that makes black-owned films and partners with filmmakers all over the world to create distribution channels and branding opportunities for talented people around the globe.  You can take a look at one of our films, Resurrecting Black Wall Street (directed by Dorian Chandler), by visiting this link. 

It is by building and learning together that we can overcome the limitations dropped upon us at birth.  I personally believe that black people are the greatest human beings on the planet and it is my honor to be on this journey with you.  

Please take care and have a wonderful day. 

Dr Boyce Watkins


This Holiday season, God wants to reveal
treasures hidden in YOU
beyond your imagination!
   A blessing is coming your way. A hidden treasure. Favor Breakthrough Overflow.
   There is something in you, it will deliver you. but you’ll likely have to go through a dark place.
   I know it sounds a bit crazy but stick with me but give thanks and stick with me. This is going to get good.
   You may say, “Pastor, I’m in a dark place now. I can’t see it from where I am.”
   The thing about hidden treasure is …well…it’s hidden until God is ready to reveal it to you. 
   Let me try and illustrate this for you [and share a story about one of my failures in life].
   There was a man named Saul. He was among the uppity folks, a rabbi, educated Pharisee, at the top of the highest religious order in all Israel. He had the same name as Israel’s first king? He thought he was serving God, but he totally missed God on earth. Jesus had to come to save the wrold, but Saul didn’t believe. In fact, He saw those who followed Jesus as a threat, so he pursued them and persecuted them. 
   One day Saul was on his way to Damascus to arrest some more Christians . He didn’t know he was about to enter his period of darkness.
   Just like that, God appeared in a bright light-God IS the light-and ushered Saul into darkness. Literally, He was blinded.
   Jesus asked Saul why he was persecuting Him. He told Saul his life was about to change. He told Saul his real treasures were about to be revealed. Saul got a glimpse of glory! But Saul had to be patient before he could experience the fullness of God’s revelation. He had to trust [have faith in] God.
   Saul’s friends had to lead him by the hand into Damascus. There he met with a faithful servant of Jesus who God gave the power to restore Saul’s eyesight. Saul had left his days of darkness.
   Did you see how that worked? God used Saul’s season of darkness to reveal HIs best for Paul,Saul the Christian killer, became Paul the Apostle who produced great teachings in the Bible about Jesus.
   Like Paul, God has a plan and a destiny for YOU too!
   Life is hard and there will always be troubles-but in Jesus there is always joy. Whether you are in a time of greatness fo darkness, God is with you there. And He will be there on the other side of this season! With arms opened wide! Smiling at YOU! Welcoming you into HIs best. It’s a promise Jesus tells us Himself “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcoem they world.” [John 16:33] NLT.
   God uses our times of trouble and darkness to prepare us. We can’t do it on our own. We must seek HIs plan for our lives. HIs plans are always so much more than we could imagine! But we have to trust Him, find our joy in HIm, and believe His promises are for our good. So don’t wait to praise Him. He wants you to praise Him like it’s already done!
   I had to learn too. When i was young, I started a catering business. I didn’t know a whole lot about catering but I was young and determined. I would figure it out. I wasn’t seeking God, i was doing it on my own. I was getting off a job and with very limited funds, buying food and  trying to help cook setup, serve and take down afterwards.
   You can probably guess by now where this was going. Yes sir or mame it soon went south. It was a dark place. I had failed. I was hurting. I was ashamed. Now eventhough it may have succeeded I wasn’t in God’s will.   
   Probably with the success I would be a preacher working for Brice Catering Co. in Jackson, Tn. And ther would be no Kingdom Builders Christian Center Church of Pinson,  the church like none other!
   Can you see what God did there? He had to guide me through a very dark time in order to bring me to the place of fullness of His destiny for me. There have been other dark times in my life, but each has served a purpose.
   God wants to reveal the hidden treasure in you-the fullness of HIs destiny for your life. He has a plan for you. Praise Him in the darkness. Trust Him, Worship Him, Give thanks and give HIm the chance to reveal HIs treasures hidden in YOU! He is ready to shine His light on YOU!
   Thank you so much for your prayers, friendship, partnership and support. it is my prayer that you and your loved ones will experience your best this Holiday season ever and blessed New Yeaer!

Halloween Harmful or Not

What About Halloween? Is It Just Harmless Fun?

October 7, 2019
Each year during Halloween, parents are faced with the dilemma of whether or not they should let their children participate in what is culturally seen as “harmless fun.” Just like everything else, it’s important that we all seek God concerning these decisions. The following history of Halloween might be helpful to your family as you seek wisdom.

The Tradition of Trick Or Treat

Many Halloween traditions stem from Irish, Scottish and British folk customs—the most notable of which is the Gaelic autumn festival of “Samhain.” This festival was celebrated from sunset on October 31 through sunset on November 1.


It was believed that during these hours, the souls of the dead (or ghosts) would roam the earth and revisit their homes. The people would welcome these spirits by offering feasts of food and drink. As part of the festival, people would go door-to-door wearing costumes imitating roaming spirits. These people would recite verses and say prayers for the dead in exchange for food. Various acts of mischief and the playing of pranks were also common.


It’s no doubt that the modern day practice of “trick or treating” comes from these traditions. Samhain was and continues to be significant to various groups of witches and wiccans. Divination and necromancy were thought to be especially effective during Samhain and, according to folklore, witches could be seen flying through the air on broomsticks, ravens or black cats.


During Samhain huge bonfires were built on hilltops and were used in various rituals. These rituals were seen to have protective and cleansing powers and sometimes even included crop offerings and animal sacrifices.


The Tradition of the Jack-O-Lantern

The jack-o’-lantern was part of a similar tradition—people hollowed out gourds and turnips (and later pumpkins in the United States), and carved a face on them. Then, they lit a candle inside to ward off evil spirits.

Why the name “Jack”? The “Jack” comes from an Irish folk tale from the mid-19th Century. According to the tale, a damned soul named “Jack” was not allowed into heaven or hell, so he wandered around in the darkness. The carved turnip, gourd or pumpkin symbolized Jack.


Samhain became “Christianized” through the feast of All Hallows’ Eve, which is the evening before All Saints’ Day. The Romans, who conquered the Celts around A.D. 43, also wanted to honor the newly overpowered descendants of the Druids in Germany and Scandinavia, so All Saints’ Day and Samhain became unified with the same focus of reverencing the dead. The combination of these customs has developed into the traditional celebration we call Halloween.

Alternative Options for Christians

So, what about Halloween? Even though it can seem harmless, it does have dark pagan roots, and as believers in Jesus, we should never celebrate fear and terror. What options do believers have during this time of year? Here are several ways some respond to Halloween:

  1. Some Christians choose not to participate in any special activities during Halloween. They use this as an opportunity to teach their children that the Lord may sometimes ask them to not participate in certain activities, even though “everyone else” is doing it, and there may not always be an alternate activity.
  2. Many churches offer fall festivals, with fun and games. Most of the time, these festivals have nothing to do with the traditions of Halloween, and they are usually held in the fall and around the same time. The fall harvest is a beautiful time of year that is great for celebrating God’s provision.
  3. Other churches choose to host alternative events on Halloween because they have found great success in offering clean, fun activities to their communities and have won many to Christ through these outreaches. Some children may show up in “scary” costumes since these events are often held on Halloween. We should always show the love of Jesus to people—no matter what they’re wearing.



4 Hidden Issues that Divide the Body of Christ

#churches #unity #body of Christ #issues

While some divisions among Christians are obvious, others are subtler. Why does God allow it? Is it because He wants to make it hard on us? Or are the reasons as old as the church itself? Satan has always been involved in the church. It is notable that the first place Jesus cast out a demon was in the synagogue, which was Jesus’ church (Mark 1:23-27).

The devil has always been at work in the church. I guess he felt if he couldn’t beat them, he would just join them. His ways are subtle, so it is important to see how he has caused such division. With this in mind, let us explore the methods of this master tactician and how we can overcome his influence.


  1. Inability to Understand God’s Paradox

Honest people who are sincerely seeking God can come up with very different notions about the teachings in the Bible. This is because God has purposely put paradox in Scripture. He doesn’t want us to approach Him through knowledge, but rather through childlike faith. It is His paradox that confounds knowledge and the wisdom of the world.           

Here are a few paradoxes in Scripture: law and grace; predestination and free will; one God in three; Christ as God and Christ as man; salvation by grace and work out your salvation with fear and trembling; judge not and he who is spiritual judges all things (Isaiah 55:8-9). When these [paradoxes] are explained & investigated thoroughly they are found to be True.

If I only believe in the law of God, I may become motivated by fear of God, which affects my intimacy with Him.                        If I only focus on grace, I may not fear the consequences of sin.                                                                                                        Both sides of the paradox must be balanced by each other.

The Corinthians received the message of grace and then began to sin with reckless abandonment. They believed they were no longer under the law. The result was death and sickness in the Corinthian church (1 Cor. 11:30). In the same way, Jesus taught us grace and love, but was unwilling to cast aside God’s law (Matt 5:17-19). 

Every doctrine that divides the church has paradox in it. We will begin to know the true spirit of God when we can embrace both sides of the paradox by faith. Only then can we say all things are predestined and yet I have free will to choose. Only with God is such a thing possible. We say that we believe, with God, all things are possible, but then deny that paradox is possible. Childlike faith has no problem accepting the impossible. When Christians begin to appreciate each other’s viewpoints without feeling threatened, we will no longer be separated by the paradox of God; we will be united in the spirit of love.
  1. Confusion of Temporal with Eternal Principles

There is much confusion over temporal and eternal truths. As I stated earlier, many Christians want to argue over a particular viewpoint in Scripture without considering the passages in paradox to that viewpoint. Because we want God to fit into our logic box, we discard any nonconforming Scripture, or simply ignore it. If we acknowledge the opposite Scriptural reference, our doctrine must be modified to accommodate both Scriptures. In the temporal, God’s law is still in effect. By this I mean we have consequences by not following the law. I hear the principle of grace being preached from many pulpits, too often at the expense of the law. The grace is an eternal law that is applied to our eternal spirit, but it should not give us the idea that we can sin with no temporal affect.

In the natural, if you break the law, you will suffer the consequences. If you are speeding and you get a ticket, you might argue to the policeman that you are not under the law, but I doubt it would do any good.

The eternal law of grace will keep us out of the lake of fire but will not keep us from the consequences of violating the law in the temporal. Obedience to the law doesn’t save us, but it will keep us out of a whole bunch of trouble.                               The confusion over law and grace has caused many Christians to be entrapped in sin and division (Romans 7:7-8).

Confusion over the temporal and eternal principles often divides the body of Christ. True wisdom comes when we can be gracious with brothers and sisters who have not yet come to a fuller understanding of the temporal and eternal truths. Jesus said to His church, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin (John 8:34).

In other words, Satan can gain great authority in our lives if we reject the commands of Christ.


  1. Incorrect Motives of the Heart – 1 Cor 13:1-3

When did God ever make our relationship with Him and people about knowing all things, gifts of the Spirit, or pious acts? Too often we make fellowship too much about gifts, doctrines, good works, and sacrifice. According to the Scripture above, none of these things matter to God if they are not motivated by love. All gifts of God are wonderful, but they are not an evidence of a right heart. They should never be seen as a badge of spirituality. Even our sacrifices to God do not impress Him if we are not motivated by love. 

The true mark of a Christian is not his knowledge or doctrine, but rather is the spirit of love. Satan has deceived Christians into believing that fellowship must be based on particular viewpoints and doctrines. How sad to see the division in Christianity because of differing doctrines. Too often Christians accuse one another of heresy, blasphemy and the like, thereby becoming an accuser of the brethren. We must be careful not to take on the role of accuser. This role belongs to Satan and we should always steer clear of it. If I am motivated by anger and hatred, how can I say the love of God abides in me (1 John 4:20)?

We need to understand that God is perfectly fine with differing levels of understanding. Not all children learn at the same rate or are they the same in gifts and personality. We should never be angry or hateful when a brother has been taught or experienced a differing view. There is truth in most doctrines, but perhaps the balancing paradox has been overlooked.

  • One person may have come out of the bondage of fear and can only see the grace of God, while another may have come out of the bondage of anarchy and appreciates the discipline of law.
  • One may focus on law while the other focuses on grace.
  • One might be caught up in gifts while another might be focused on the Word. 

Why should either focus upset us? Rejoice that they have received understanding of God’s truth, especially when they needed that part of the truth at a critical time in their life.  

Be patient and love your brethren and perhaps they will be more attuned to what God has taught you. Both sides can be wrong if motivated incorrectly. If my focus on the law is because I’m afraid God will get me, then I am really motivated by the spirit of fear, not love. If I take advantage of grace and violate the law, I am motivated by the spirit of selfishness, which has no love in it. The subtlety of wrong motives divides the body of Christ.


  1. The Religious Spirit – Luke 9:51-56

What is a religious spirit? A religious spirit is when we take the Word of God and use it to destroy others.                                     It was the spirit of religion that found reasons to put Jesus to death though there was no evil in His actions. Too often we have been deceived into thinking we are defenders of the faith when really we have succumbed to a religious spirit. From the Great Inquisition to an argument in Sunday school, the religious spirit disrupts and divides.

The reason Jesus rebuked the disciples is because, in one moment, they threw out the teaching of Jesus to love your enemies and those who despitefully use you. Instead they wanted to kill an entire population of people in the name of Jesus. While they thought they were righteous, Jesus’ rebuke showed them that their true motive was evil before God. Think about it—they wanted to murder everyone in the village, including women and children, in the name of God!   

“When Satan spoke through Peter, Jesus sternly rebuked him as well. But He turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men'” (Matt 16:23). Peter had no idea that the thoughts that came into his mind were not his own. Jesus pointed out the true author of his words and would have nothing to do with them.  The religious spirit is a divider of the body of Christ. Its purpose is to cause us to be caught up in doctrines and disputes rather than yielding to the Holy Spirit of love (1 Tim 6:3-5 & James 1:12-13).

We are not approved by our knowledge of God or our doctrines; we are approved by what manner of spirit we are.              Does the spirit of love rule your heart, or are you ruled by disputes and self-righteousness?

It is time for the whole body of Christ to come together to present a unified spirit of love to the world.                                       The religious spirit is hated by the world. Even they can see it is full of hatred, murder, and condemnation.                                    It is time in these last days to say, “I love my Catholic, Presbyterian, Baptist, Charismatic, COGIC, Methodist, Church of Christ, and Pentecostal brethren even though we are all striving to better understand the paradox in Biblical doctrine.”

None of us have arrived yet.  

We all agree Jesus is Lord and it was God who sent Him to give us life eternal. Maturity in Christ is not gauged by the knowledge of God but by the Spirit of God in us (2 Cor. 10:5).


 Signs of the Antichrist

The coming of the Antichrist is a sign of the end.

The identity of the Antichrist has long been a source of both debate and anxiety for Christians. The Bible warns that many people will be taken in by his lies or fail to recognize him for what he is. No Christian wants to be one of those who is deceived by this frightening and demonic figure.

Given that the stakes are nothing more or less than a person’s eternal soul, a great deal is riding on successfully identifying the Antichrist. The internet is filled with bloggers and preachers alike claiming that this political figure or that rival preacher is the Antichrist. Speculation is not confined to the depths of the web either. Innumerable churches have heard sermons warning about what the Antichrist will say and countless Bible study groups have debated the where the Antichrist will originate.

The Bible is peppered with verses warning about this false prophet and alluding to the acts that will reveal him for what he truly is. The problem and source of debate comes from trying to weave dozens of cryptic remarks and prophetic hints into a clear picture. Unfortunately, someone has yet to turn the myriad of clues and references to now-ancient empires into a single cohesive portrayal. This leaves Christians stuck in the same uncertainty that all the debate is attempting to clarify. That said, the continued study of the Scriptures does leave us with a general idea of what the Antichrist will be like. Here are four signs that will hint at the Antichrist’s true identity.


The Antichrist will sway many people to his side. This fact is undeniable based on the descriptions of the Antichrist throughout the Bible. He will be admired, and the odds are good he will be a smooth talker who will win people over through his ability to speak “great things.” Those who follow the Antichrist will become zealous and follow him unquestioningly. They will revile and persecute those who are leery of the Antichrist or disavow him. In this regard, many believe the Antichrist will be similar to Adolf Hitler.

Hitler was known to be extremely charismatic. Those who actually met him in life say that he was extremely skilled at making connections with people and saying exactly the right thing at the right time. Hitler projected a certainty that lent his opinions authority, and he had a talent for sinking his claws into a person’s subconscious thoughts or desires. The Antichrist is likely to have similar gifts. He will give voice to what people believe but are reluctant to say and, in doing so, gain their utter loyalty.


The Antichrist will also be clever. Daniel 11 describes the Antichrist as taking control through “intrigue,” and Daniel 8 he will be a “master of deception.” This supports the idea of the Antichrist as something akin to a charming, clever psychopath. That calculating cleverness will help bring the Antichrist to global prominence in multiple ways.                                                                                                                                               One of those ways is as a military tactician. Verses in both the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel describe the Antichrist as being a powerful military leader, an unrivaled military genius in his time who will develop a tendency to attack when his victims feel secure.

Another is the Antichrist’s ability to avoid what people would see as scandalous behavior. It is said that he will not “regard…the desire of women,” thus avoiding the common scandal of an affair. Revelation also says that the Antichrist will be given the authority to “make war.” His actions, violent as they will be, will be supported by not just zealous followers, but by what the average person will recognize as legitimate authority.


The Antichrist will have the cunning to be a successful military leader. Revelation and Daniel both describe the Antichrist’s military prowess, but there is a difference between being a talented tactician and being a conqueror. The Antichrist is undoubtedly the latter.

Revelation 6:2 says that the Antichrist will go “forth conquering, and to conquer.” He will take over lands that did not belong to his people and hold them. His conquests will likely take place at least partly in the Middle East. The theory of the Antichrist’s involvement in the Middle East is common, especially the notion that part of his strategy will be to make peace with Israel before attacking the Jewish people.

The Antichrist’s conquests will also be seen as legitimate. Revelation 13 says that the Antichrist will be “permitted to wage war on God’s holy people” and “given [power]… to extend his authority over every tribe and people.” Revelation 13 also states bluntly that the Antichrist will succeed in conquering God’s people, at least for a time.

Economic Control

As well as gaining military control over much of the world, the Antichrist will gain economic control. In Revelation 13, the infamous number of the Beast is discussed, and it is related to the Antichrist’s control of the economy. According to the Scriptures, the Antichrist will compel all people to be “marked with an inscription” on their hands or foreheads. Only those will this mark will be allowed to “buy or sell.”

Whether the Antichrist will use force or charisma to compel people to accept his mark is not stated. It could, however, be born of simple practicality. People may be presented with the choice of refusing to take this mark or losing their chance to participate in any sort of buying or selling. The Antichrist’s charisma and cunning would allow him to make this seem like a reasonable requirement of trade. With society accepting this new regulation, even those who disagree with the Antichrist oblige and take the mark so that they can feed their families.


The Antichrist will be a blasphemous man. It seems like blasphemy would be an easy way to identify the Antichrist, but consider what the Bible defines as blaspheming: any use of the Lord’s name in vain. Now, think of how often the phrase “oh my God,” is used to denote shock or excitement.

Recognizing the Antichrist will be difficult, especially in the Western World today where religion is often kept carefully out of politics. A clever man could very easily get away with a great deal of blasphemy, especially if he takes care to do it in ways that are common around him. But, the blasphemy of the Antichrist will eventually reach new and unheard of heights, and he will attempt to say that he is God. Until that time, however, no one is likely to look twice at a man who uses “Jesus Christ” as a curse when startled or angry.


What will set the Antichrist apart from other clever, charismatic leaders is his ability to accomplish wonders. The Gospels of both Matthew and Mark warn that the Antichrist will perform miracles that convince many people that he is the Messiah returned, not Christ’s enemy. In 2 Thessalonians, it is said that the coming of the Antichrist will coincide with numerous signs and marvels.

One of these false miracles may give us a few physical characteristics of the Antichrist. In Revelation 13, we learn that the Antichrist will survive a deadly wound, usually attributed to a head or facial wound. This miraculous survival or perhaps even a return from the dead, will convince many that the Antichrist is actually Jesus returned. Some link this sign with Zechariah 11:17 which calls for the Antichrist’s arm to be “completely withered and his right eye totally blinded.”

While some interpret these verses as meaning that the Antichrist will actually be blind in one eye, possibly from whatever mortal wound he survives, others believe the verse describes a more metaphorical wound. Those familiar with the history of Hitler’s rise to power know that there was a period where it looked very much like the Nazi party was going to fade into obscurity. Revelation may be describing a time where the Antichrist loses power and support, only to regain it spectacularly and, in returning to prominence, gain more followers than ever.

Christians Must Be Vigilant

Despite the sheer number of times the Antichrist is mentioned in the Bible, there is little that will definitively identify him before he has the world under his thrall. Christians must be vigilant and be sure to maintain a questioning attitude. The spell of charismatic men and women can be dampened through logic. After all, those who experienced Hitler’s rise said that many of his speeches could be “refuted by reason.” Be wary of things that sound perfect and of those who seem to have all the answers, especially in today’s divisive time. Reason serves as a strong barricade to the sort of zealotry such a clever, charismatic leader will breed.



6 Lies That Block Blessing  
God expects us to lay hold of what belongs to us, but we have an enemy who lies to us and tries to stop us from receiving God’s biggest blessings. He sets up roadblocks in an effort to keep us from receiving from God.   Let’s call them “blessing blockers.”   Many of these obstacles to God’s best in our lives fall under the category described in Mark 7:13: The tradition of men makes the Word of God of no effect. Traditions are demonic error-really lies-to keep the Church in the dark. For years traditional ideas and interpretations of Scripture have kept people from receiving healing.   So I’d like to expose some of those lies of the enemy and explain why they are wrong. As we go through them, make a note of any that have become part of your thinking. Then replace those lies with what the Word really says.  
 Lie #1 – “Miracles have passed away.”   I have heard statements from Pastor’s like these: “Miracles have passed away” and “Healing has passed away.” But the truth is that in order for miracles and healing to pass away, God would have to change or pass away. And that can’t happen. He has already declared, “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed” (Malachi 3:6).   He has also said, “I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26). Sickness and disease were never God’s will for man. Sickness only came when man disobeyed God, sinned and died spiritually. At that point man became subject to the evil one. But even then, God made a way to provide healing for His people. If He ever healed anyone, He is still that same healer today. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). But we have to do our part and give Him something to work with by exercising our faith.  
Lie #2 – “God gets glory from sickness.”   Sickness doesn’t bring glory to God. Healing does.   As Jesus healed the multitudes, Matthew 15:31 says, “When they saw the dumb to speak, the maimed to be whole, the lame to walk, and the blind to see…they glorified the God of Israel.”  
Lie #3 – “All things work together for good…”   A scripture that is often taken out of context and misunderstood is Romans 8:28: “All things work together for good to them that love God.” If you believe this means sickness is somehow for your good, you won’t resist it. But the Bible is very plain in what it says about sickness. The curse spelled out in Deuteronomy 28 includes “every sickness, and every plague” (verse 61).   Curses do not come from God. He is good to everyone (Psalm 145:9). Acts 10:38 says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.”   When you read Romans 8:28 in context, its meaning becomes clear:   Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:26-28).   This is not saying everything that comes along is working for your good. This is about those who love God. Those who love God obey His Word: “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous” (1 John 5:3). When we obey God we enjoy the blessing of God.   The will of God is always good, but not everyone is in the will of God. This scripture is talking about the things of the Spirit working for our good. The Spirit makes intercession on our behalf when we pray in the spirit. When we obey God all things work together for good.   Everything that comes your way does not come from God and does not bring good into your life. You have the authority in you to obey or disobey. For instance, cancer does not work for your good. Car wrecks do not work for your good. They come to steal, kill and destroy. If you think these things come from God you will receive them instead of resist them.  
Lie #4 – “God puts sickness on you to teach you something.”   Sickness is not good. So when people say, “God puts sickness on you to teach you something,” that is totally unscriptural. The Bible says God uses His Word to teach us. He has sent the Holy Spirit to teach us. In Deuteronomy 28 God says if you don’t obey Me, all these curses will come on you. That’s not the will of God. God’s will is your redemption from the curse in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:13). Through ignorance, unbelief or rebellion and disobedience, we open the door to evil in our lives.   According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”   God sent the Holy Spirit to be the teacher of the Church (John 14:26). He will guide you into all truth (John 16:13). God also placed teachers in the Church to instruct us (Ephesians 4:11-12). Therefore, He doesn’t use sickness to do that.   Many believers labor under the misconception that whatever happens to them is God’s doing. As a result, they take no responsibility for anything and put up no resistance to the enemy when he brings sickness and disease.   If you don’t resist sickness, it won’t go away. The enemy will continue to rule and reign in your life. You must resist the devil if you don’t want him to live with you. James 4:7 says resist him, and he will flee.   Jesus delivered people from sickness everywhere He went, and He rebuked it! He was never a friend of sickness and disease. He always did the will of God and you never saw Jesus instructing anyone to stay sick.  
Lie #5 – “Lord, if it be Thy will…”   A traditional prayer that will help you die young is “Lord, if it be Thy will, heal my body.” Consequently, praying this shows you have not been reading your Bible, and you don’t have a clue about God or His will. It’s always His will to heal.   Perhaps you’ve been going to the wrong church. You should come out of a church service with your faith more built up than when you went in. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). But if you don’t hear and believe what the Word says, your faith won’t be strong.  
Lie #6 – Unbelief is “OK.”   Even Jesus couldn’t heal those who were in unbelief. In His hometown of Nazareth, “he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief” (Matthew 13:58).   Unbelief is the major blessing blocker, and that’s why it’s imperative for you to know what the Word says and believe it enough to act on it. All the traditions I’m talking about are the result of unbelief.   Unbelief comes by hearing just like faith comes by hearing. So, it’s dangerous to your health to listen to unbelief.   There is no good reason to sit under teaching that’s full of unbelief if you desire to live and live well. Go where the uncompromised Word of God is being taught because your life depends on it.   Galatians 3:11 says, “The just shall live by faith.” That means believers are to live by believing what the Bible says. You are healed by believing and acting on what the Word says about your healing. It takes believing and acting to fulfill the word receive!

3 Ways Hormones Keep You in Divine Health

3 Ways Hormones Keep You in Divine Health April 2, 2019   Are you settling for getting old and tired? You don’t have to! God is calling His people into divine health, healing and wholeness. You can be part of the thriving, disease-resistant Church by learning more about three ways hormones keep you in divine health. Turn on any television commercial, open any magazine, or listen to any water cooler conversation, and you’ll likely hear the same thing about health—diet and exercise are good, but ultimately, we all end up frail, feeble and on a host of prescription drugs. In addition, statistics show that the rate of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease is expected to climb in the coming years. This information is not encouraging! That’s why Kenneth Copeland sat down with board-certified family and anti-aging practitioner, Dr. Don Colbert, M.D., to discuss the groundbreaking research in Dr. Colbert’s newest book, Dr. Colbert’s Hormone Health Zone. On the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, Kenneth said, “Don Colbert is an apostle of healing” and we, as the Body of Christ, are blessed to tap into his anointing and walk in divine health. As we stand in faith for divine health and healing, it’s critical that we take the information from those God has anointed and put it to work in our lives. Dr. Colbert believes the root cause of most diseases and degeneration is suboptimal hormone levels. For years, hormone imbalances have gone undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The key, he says, lies not in balancing hormones but optimizing hormones to increase your energy and strength, improve your mood and memory, and help you feel younger, healthier and happier!   What does it mean to optimize hormones? Many Christians are struggling with loss of energy, poor sleep quality, decline in muscle mass and bone density, sexual dysfunction, foggy brain, poor memory, and cold hands and feet, to name a few. But when they go to the doctor for testing, they are told they are “within range.” The problem? The way the medical community has determined healthy ranges is based on statistical information from the general public, rather than what is required for optimal health and vitality. Does it really make a difference? Consider these examples from Dr. Colbert’s practice as the result of optimizing hormones, rather than keeping them within the determined range. – Women who were unable to become pregnant went on to have several healthy children – Men who no longer suffer from erectile dysfunction – Women who were able to stop antidepressant medications completely – Aging men who were able to rebuild muscle and stop muscle loss – Women who escaped symptoms of PMS – The reversal of memory-related diseases – Reversal of high blood pressure, insomnia, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes,    fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and chronic pain.   What kind of hormones should be used? Dr. Colbert encourages believers to go to a doctor who is willing to optimize hormone levels and do so through bioidentical hormones, not synthetic hormones. (A listing of doctors throughout the country who subscribe to this approach is included in Dr. Colbert’s book Dr. Colbert’s Hormone Health Zone.) He says, “Bioidentical hormones are one of the most important factors in restoring your health and preventing disease. They program your body for strength, vitality and energy. Your youth is renewed like the eagle’s when you optimize your hormones.” Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones secreted by your own body; and therefore, they are easily recognized and utilized for the regulation of various bodily functions. The introduction of these exogenous hormones can return levels to a more optimal and youthful range and do not pose the risk present with synthetic hormones.  “God wants us to live abundantly,” Dr. Colbert says. “And so many people are settling for just getting old, getting tired and then just eventually dying. And we can live that life and live it more abundantly. When you get your hormones to the level of a 20-year-old, guess what? You start to feel like a 20-year-old.” God is calling His people into divine health, healing and wholeness. You can be part of the thriving, disease-resistant Church by learning more about these three ways hormones keep you in divine health.  

  1. Optimized Hormones Increase Strength

Frail, feeble and bent over—That’s what the world says you can expect as you age. That’s not God’s will for you! Dr. Colbert says, “God wants a strong Church—not a feeble one.” He shares how, over time, both men and women begin to lose muscle mass and bone density, causing a decrease in overall strength. Left untreated, it can lead to the inability to get out of a bathtub or even off a toilet, walking hunched over, and increased incidents of debilitating injuries.   The culprit? Declining levels of testosterone. According to Dr. Colbert, men today have about 20 percent less testosterone than men did just 20 years ago. In response, the medical community has now altered the “healthy range” of testosterone to fit the new norms of society. The problem is that those levels are far from optimal. The healthy, optimal, “feel good” level of testosterone for men should be in the range of 750-1000.   Why is testosterone important for men? Not only does it prevent feebleness, but it can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, reverse sexual dysfunction, and prevent heart disease and dementia. In fact, Dr. Colbert believes low testosterone is likely one of the causes of Alzheimer’s disease. He has even predicted, “There will be a boom in nursing homes if we don’t start getting hormone levels under control.”   Other symptoms that can be resolved by optimizing testosterone include fatigue, high cholesterol, brain fog, depression, insomnia and adrenal fatigue. To be strong and healthy, we need optimized hormones!   What is the cause of decreasing testosterone levels? Dr. Colbert says we are exposed to chemicals that are endocrine disruptors, which lowers testosterone in men and feminizes them. Examples of these chemicals include BPA (lining in canned goods), the ink on receipts, tap water and certain weed killers. These disruptors are decreasing testosterone and have even caused many men’s sperm counts to decrease by 50 percent.   Is testosterone important for women? But testosterone isn’t just important for men—women need optimized testosterone levels, too! In fact, Dr. Colbert believes this often-neglected area of women’s health could be the cause of many frustrating symptoms. And optimal testosterone level for women is 60 to 70 or sometimes higher, while the “in range” levels are as low as 2 to 45, which often leaves women feeling terrible. With optimized testosterone, women can reverse cellulite, lose weight, tighten skin, wash away irritability, boost energy, restore libido and much more.   Why aren’t physicians treating hormone deficiencies? The devil is the author of confusion. To prevent men and women from receiving life-giving treatment, he has instilled a fear in people and the medical community about hormone treatments. To prevent feebleness and frailty, we need optimal hormone levels. But synthetic hormones can cause disease and negative side effects. Bioidentical hormones are the safe and effective way to optimize hormone levels. Optimized hormone levels will increase your strength and quality of life! Find a doctor who will work with you to find the optimal levels of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and thyroid. Be sure they use bioidentical hormones, not synthetic. It will change your life!  

  1. Optimized Hormones Prevent Disease

We’ve already discussed many areas where hormones can reverse or prevent symptoms and diseases like Alzheimer’s. But the list is much more exhaustive. Optimizing hormones has been found to significantly reduce the risk of most cancers, drop cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, and can reduce arthritis and chronic pain, and much more. Dr. Colbert says, “When you optimize your hormones, most diseases start to leave.”   Recent studies show that women on testosterone have half the risk of developing breast cancer. Dr. Colbert also notes that women who use testosterone rarely need medicine for osteoporosis. Optimizing testosterone, progesterone, thyroid and estrogen in women is key to living in divine health. You don’t have to settle for less!   At this point, you might be thinking to yourself, Aren’t hormones dangerous? So much fear has been instilled in people in recent years about hormone therapy. When the Women’s Health Initiative of 2002 was released, indicating that estrogen was causing breast cancer in women, the following 10 years saw a dramatic decrease in hormone therapy for women. Sadly, it also saw one of the sharpest increases in women’s deaths we’ve ever seen because doctors stopped prescribing hormones altogether. Dr. Colbert wants to make one thing very clear—those studies were based solely on the use of synthetic hormones—not bioidentical hormones. The medical community proverbially threw out the baby with the bathwater, and women have suffered and even died unnecessarily ever since. Medical knowledge is so great that it is expanding every 78 days. If you don’t have a doctor who is up on the latest research, you aren’t going to receive the best treatment. Dr. Colbert compares it to speaking with someone who is an expert on flip phones versus someone who is an expert on the latest smartphone. Both work, but one is much more advanced. “When I start optimizing hormones—using bioidentical, not synthetic—to bring them up to the level of a 20-year old, it is amazing how disease starts to go,” he says. Don’t let fear instilled by society rob you of living in divine health. Seek the Lord and pursue optimal hormone levels. Kenneth Copeland emphasizes this: “Don’t try to do this without the Bible or without Dr. Colbert’s Hormone Health Zone book.” Wondering how to find balance between using the Bible and supplemental resources? Find 3 Ways to Combine Faith With Works to Live in Divine Health here.  

  1. Optimized Hormones Restore Energy

While gaining strength and preventing disease are certainly exciting aspects of optimizing hormones, one thing that most people have resolved to be without is energy. Dr. Colbert says, “As people age, the biggest thing I see is a decrease in energy, and the main thing hormone optimization does for both men and women is to increase energy levels.” That’s exciting news! The two key hormones that boost your energy? Natural desiccated thyroid and natural testosterone. He says when a patient comes into his office with cold hands, cold feet and a temperature below 98, he knows their thyroid is suboptimal. Most of his patients say, “I’ve never been told that before. I’ve always been told I am in normal range.” These symptoms can be present even when you are not medically defined as having low thyroid. You might be in range, but you still feel terrible. When you have low energy, cold hands, cold feet, difficulty losing weight and foggy brain, you most likely have suboptimal thyroid levels. But, 90 percent of patients are taking the wrong type of thyroid. (For more, see Dr. Colbert’s Hormone Health Zone book.) While more common in women, men should still have their thyroid levels checked to be sure they are in optimal range.   The other energy-boosting hormone is testosterone. Dr. Colbert says, “It is the most amazing natural antidepressant I have ever seen.” He has had patients, both men and women, who were able to come off antidepressants once their hormone levels were optimized. He says, “So many people have suboptimal thyroid and suboptimal testosterone—even at young ages. We now know that when we optimize testosterone, it turns adrenal glands on, which gives us energy.” According to Dr. Colbert, once you reach age 45, hormone levels start to go down. Testosterone begins to decline in both men and women, causing a loss of energy, vitality, muscle and bone mass. It is even responsible for what Dr. Colbert calls “Grumpy Old Man” syndrome. Optimized levels will return energy to men and women, and get rid of depression. He has even seen marriages saved simply from optimizing hormone levels. When couples are tired, depressed and facing a host of symptoms, it can cause marital problems. But when they get their energy back, their zest for life, they often find that their marriage is back where it once was, too. Other hormones that should be checked and optimized include cortisol and those in the adrenal glands. Stress can deplete these important players in our overall health and must be restored. Bioidentical progesterone can help women sleep, stop PMS and help overall mood. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is also important to check as we age. And, as for estrogen, Dr. Colbert stresses that this is important as well, but must be addressed with caution. (Dr. Colbert covers each of these extensively in his book.)  When you take the time to understand how hormones keep you in divine health, you open the door to living a life most people only dream about. Above all, Dr. Colbert stresses the importance of casting your cares at the feet of Jesus and staying out of stress. He reminds us that “a merry heart does good like a medicine” (Proverbs 17:22, MEV) and emphasizes the importance of speaking the Word of God over your life and health each day. He advises, “Keep expecting something good to happen to you in your life. Don’t let past disappointments keep you from living in the hope of tomorrow. Circumstances are real, but the Word of God is more real.”   Disclaimer: You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional health care provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional health care provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.


Father, in the name of Jesus,

I am in agreement with the Prophetic Words that declares the time has come for me to taek new territory, have new experiences, new exploits, purchase properties, get promoted to influential places and enjoy Your Promises.
I thank You Fathar, that my faith is ignited and I will BOLDLY declare the wisdom and favor of God over my life and that my steps are being ordered by You as doors of opportunity open in my life.
I will not choke, procrastinate or make excuses anymore. i will be agressive in the pursuit of my dreams and desires as I BOLDLY pursue new territory!
I will not allow the negativity of others or any obstacles or roadblocks that the enemy throws at me to hinder my pursuit of taking new territory.
In the Mightly Magnificent Name of Jesus the Christ!